ICYMI: Experience controls test starting November 20!

Just press /

If you use the chat button unironically you probably are not a competitive gamer and do not need to access chat in quick-time scenarios.

The / key will open chat immediately and you will be able to start typing right away. As for mobile, most competitive games are locked to other devices, so they won’t really need to access chat quickly.

They might add the option to have a chat button in the accessibility settings, but I can’t confirm.

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This is Roblox, mobile is the most popular device to play Roblox on; that is a massive audience to inconvenience.


No, This experience button cannot be hidden including unhideable button [e.g. Camera, Microphone and Report].

roblox trying NOT TO copy and paste code (impossible):

This one is far uglier than the current one. Takes more screen real estate and still has the same ugly look but now looks like a touch oriented version. It intensifies the parts of the old menu that sucked like popup menus and not working well with game design and intensified it by 100 (now you cant disable the menus and they buttons are even bigger)

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Overall I’m happy with this update.

The aesthetic is much improved and more consistent across the board.
I’m glad to see that there’s no longer any shading on just the Roblox icon whilst none of the other icons had shading applied to them. :hugs:

These experience controls are also much more convenient to mobile players.

However, I do have an issue with the healthbar implementation.

It is quite distracting having the topbar inset change whenever a player goes from max HP to damaged and vice versa.

It is even more jarring to have seemingly different insets depending on whether a player folds the menu stack as this impacts developers creating custom topbar UI functionality.

I much preferred the health bar being right above the leaderboard, but understandably its valuable space that can now be used by other UI/leaderboards.

If the healthbar were to remain on the left in the same position as it is now, could Roblox at minimum consider to have it be more consistent in size?


For real, not is the best idea,
same with calls in roblox


Take this example: (Mobile View)

Red (:red_circle:) and Yellow (:yellow_circle:) represent my UI. Red is the UI that is always showing, while yellow is the one that can show at any moment during the game.

The Green (:green_circle:) represents the CoreGui which I call it intrusive UI.

TopBarInset cannot be used, on small devices it will shrink to the point of being not usable in any way.

I am thinking of the best ways to change my UI around since I basically have no option, but what can I do when the Chat is there in the way. Hiding stuff behind a button would be the best option which will complicate things a little bit more for the players.

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Thank you for at least replying. I do hope this gets better in the future, and i understand the struggles with allowing developers customize the core ui, and the potential exploits using it.

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@JuiceBoxYoda Hello! I just noticed that the new experience controls UI does not show in studio anymore; rather, the old one with the small transparent rounded squares shows. This was probably intentional, but it may make it harder for people to update their UI to match the new layout if they can’t see the new controls in studio.

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It still shows for me, are you sure you didn’t uncheck the beta?


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I am not the only one with this problem, someone else on my team has it. I may have to disable the beta and re-enable it, since this has been a problem with camera controls as well at one point.

edit: disabling it and reenabling it fixed it.


A lot of people already asked for ability to remove/replace CoreGui elements. Instead, you make them larger and more. Thanks.

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please, Please, PLEASE, scrap this!

This needs to be scraped. If it doesn’t it could and will end up like all of the updates that started out really bad, but ended slightly better, but still badly.

  • No one asked for this, and it doesn’t fix any problem, or add anything new.

  • Why is it so round? It’s disgusting, and inconsistent.

  • I honestly wish the UX Designer got ransomware before posting their application to your company. Why is the Chat icon hidden in that menu? (semi-joke)

  • The current one is just fine!

    • It’s backwards compatible,
    • consistent with the rest of the Roblox UI,
    • and easy to integrate custom UI with. (even with no official APIs!)
  • It is not thought for devices other that mobile.

    • (The current one is just fine there too.)
  • It’s not symmetrical.

    • It would work on the current one, but not this because, well, It’s HUGE!
  • It has a minimalistic look, yet it takes up so much space!

    • And too much of it is empty.
  • Half of the icons are useless:

    • It’s centered around investor-bait features,
    • And that avatar view icon could break Hedbanz/What’s up? type games.
  • As @focasds stated, TopBarInset cannot be used safely, as on small devices it will shrink to the point of not being usable in any way.

Now that I ranted about this “thing”, how could the current UI be improved?

  • Have more control over it.

    • Changing the Icons’ icon (Would be pretty cool to have your experience’s icon for the settings instead of Roblox’)
    • Changing colors and transparency,
    • Customizing the size
    • Disabling them entirely (are you THAT scared of using ALT+F4 to leave a game?)
  • Add the Voice/Camera toggle to the dropdown on the right. Maybe the avatar view if you can’t resist it.

  • Ability to toggle Menu/Chat/Leaderboard through LocalScripts

  • Make Chat and the Leaderboard resizeable natively

  • Reduce the size of a Leaderboard “Block”, why are they so huge?

thanks for coming to my 3am rant ted talk people
EDIT: Why was staff surprised that people liked the future menu? Wth.


i agree with you, but roblox will not listen to you because they are too busy making kids being able to talk with strangers


Slick update over the previous design. Moving all the buttons to the left was definitely a good choice!

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The lack of symmetry along with the giant gap above the player list is going to drive me crazy. Please give us a way to choose which side of the screen we want the unibar on, or let us move the player list up.


I like the overall design, but theres just way too many features lacking which makes it annoying and unfortunate.

I think that there should be an option to hide all coreui completely, atleast on pc, and instead add a forced keybind such as esc.

As well as that i think that developers should 100% be able to hide the second menu/shelf since it seems unnecessary to be forced.

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I am saying that they are hiding the chat behind a menu. There should be three buttons on the top bar, The roblox logo, chat, then the button that expands the other options. I should not have to do two clicks to open up the chat, it is very inconvenient.

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Or maybe an option to disable all buttons and make us own buttons to toggle core Gui menus or make fully your own I mean I made my own leaderboard but not chat since the rbx chat is fine