Id: 10 t error in local client

Hello, I am getting a Id: 10 t error in the local client, Here is a screenshot:
Pls help me
I was sent by a admin at Hidden devs

Well, I have never seen that error you stated, but maybe try restarting your computer?

Yes, I tried it and I also reinstalled it 3 times.

Have you tried running Robox studio as an administrator?

PS: Sometimes I get similar errors with the beta version of studio, most of the time restarting my pc and erasing Roblox temporary data seems to fix the issue.

So I had a similar problem before with a strange error when trying to start roblox and I was able to solve my issue by clearing out some of the old cached files. Take a look here: (Windows) How to reset Roblox without resetting your settings

I would probably skip the Registry editing part and just clear the appdata and cache.

It doesnt work, i think it doesnt work because i have roblox studio beta. I tried everywhere but from everywhere i get roblox studio beta

I think the problem is that I have beta as My freind told me that there glitches arent been fixed. I cant find the real roblox studio file

Based on the error message, you’re starting Roblox Studio, but, it isn’t even getting to launch the latest launcher because it doesn’t have permission to do that. The temporary folder it created is something the launcher does when downloading a new version of Roblox. When Roblox is downloaded it runs the newer launcher and Roblox updates, but Windows is preventing it from accessing the newer launcher program.

Also, Roblox Studio is called RobloxStudioBeta in many places, but, this is just a remnant from a long time ago, probably just for backwards compatibility, honestly, I am not really sure why. The Roblox client is also called RobloxPlayerBeta, but, they’re not actually a beta.

The access is denied message suggests that you can’t actually access one of the folders that the RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe program is in. Is it in your C:\Users folder, or, is Roblox for some reason trying to access another user folder? If it’s in somebody else’s, Roblox can’t access their folder because of Windows permissions. Windows permissions is a security feature to prevent programs (or people) from doing malicious things to the OS, or other user folders.

If it is your users folder that Roblox wants to launch from, try going to %Temp% (which is an “environment variable” which points to that AppData\Local\Temp folder). See if you can access it, if you can’t, this is why Roblox is creating an error.