Thank you for the reply! I’ve taken your suggestions into consideration and my store is genuinely taking a turn for the better. There are a few attributes which I’d like to alter, however I’m not quite sure how to go about editing them.
Firstly, I’ve took some major interest in what you call ‘visual hierarchy’ and have denoted the past few hours to analysing some strategies which best fit my need. I changed around some colours, words, icons, etc… And as I’ve stated above, it’s looking genuinely better.
Now, before I elaborate further, I’ll show you a quick video of the user interface (similar to the original video)
The first change which you’ve probably noticed is the header text being lengthened. I lengthened it because the top bar seemed quite empty. Indeed, I could display the current amount of cash the user has, however, I think a ‘money label’ within one of the corners of the screen would best suited as the store’s responsibility is to sell you something, not impose information which is unnecessary.
While I’m at it though; you could argue that displaying the cash could have some sort of ‘psychological’ benefit because of how our human minds interpret things. I do study psychology, but I’ve never dwelled in the ‘money manipulation’ kind of stuff (Such as the difference between $10 and $9.99) If you have some kind of information in terms of this, I’d love to hear it.
The second change is the gradient for each product cell. You’ll notice that in cell one, the background gradient is faded, however, in the fifth cell, the background gradient is a lot more saturated and open. I feel like the increase of saturation may make users tailor their eyes towards the more pricey products due to the colour shift.
It’s a little tricky to spot, but if you look in the fifth cell, you’ll see the gradient rotationally transition between 0 and 180 degrees.
The third change is the “GREAT DEAL!” and “BEST DEAL!” icons within the fourth and fifth cells, respectively. I’ve obviously taken the idea via the images you provided. I believe this is a nice addition, as those cells are a lot more outstanding. You may notice that the “GREAT DEAL!” icon is slightly smaller than the “BEST DEAL!” icon. The reason being that I want the user to focus on the priciest product before the others. Of course, I may just be silly and have no idea what I’m talking about.
The fourth change is the shine in the fifth cell. I wrote a small module to render them, and they turned out okay. They do have a slight dark-grey outline, but I can fix that some other day. I think the shine will entice users to look more towards the fifth product. But again, maybe I’m being silly.
The fifth and final change are the amount labels (save bonus(es)). I added a ‘+x’ to the end as a way to project the amount they’re saving by purchasing the larger products. I may change the label as it looks as if you’re purchasing ‘x + amount’, however I’d like to hear your thoughts first.
In addition to the ‘save bonus(es)’ I’ve refactored the amount of cash you receive per robux spent. Here are the conversion rates:
I forgot to mention, the actual cash amounts haven’t changed, only the prices have changed. As well as that, the video doesn’t display the new prices because I was changing the rates during this reply.
Conversation rates:
- $800: R$49 ~= 1.6326… cash per robux.
- $1,600 : R$89 ~= 1.7977… cash per robux.
- $4,800 : R$249 ~= 1.9277… cash per robux.
- $15,000 : R$749 ~= 2.0026… cash per robux.
- $31,500 : R$1,399 ~= 2.2516… cash per robux.
As seen in the table, the rates grow non-linearly, and rather in a more specific pattern, as seen in the plot graph below:
(The fractional numbers are just the Cash Per Robux (CPR) / 10)
I sort of like how the first four products grow semi-exponentially, while the last product discontinues the pattern.
Even though I’m partially okay with these rates, they can still certainly be improved. I’d like to hear your thoughts first though.
I was thinking of implementing a ‘next purchase bonus’. What do I mean by this? Well, depending on the product you purchase, the next purchase will grant you x% extra on your next purchase. Let’s take the fourth product. If a player purchased the product, upon their next purchase, they’d receive 12.5% extra. Here are some arbitrary examples:
Product Percentage Bonus Examples:
- Bought:
First Product
. Next product bonus: 5%.
- Bought:
Second Product
. Next product bonus: 7.5%.
- Bought:
Third Product
. Next product bonus: 12.5%.
- Bought:
Fourth Product
. Next product bonus: 19.5%.
- Bought:
Fifth Product
. Next product bonus: 27.5%.
If a player bought two products, the percentages would NOT stack; the last product purchased would be the bonus percentage.
Keep in mind that the percentages are really arbitrary and should for sure be changed.
Some disclaimers are that the percentage bonuses save after the player has left the game. However I did have the idea of making the bonus disappear after 20-30 minutes to encourage purchasing more products before the buff is gone.
In addition, I’d like each product cell to display the percentage buff, respectively. So if the player had a 10% bonus, the user interface would somewhat emit these labels within each cell:
If you have any other ideas which may look more outstanding, or which could project the percentage bonus better, I’d love to hear it!
I believe this is all I have to say about the percentage bonuses, so I’ll move on.
I’ve been looking at my store, and I’ve realized that the first three products are really bland, and don’t contain anything interest; such as shine, “DEAL” icons, etc… But I’m not sure if I dislike this.
A store exists to deliver a successful product to the recipient. But the more important motive is the money it makes. I believe that the three products at the top exist as a means of ‘just need a bit more to buy this item’, while the two at the bottom are ‘I want to progress quickly within the game’ type purchases.
I’m not sure if this ideology is something to sustain, but it sounds interesting to me. But beg to differ if you have an opposing view!
But I believe this is all there is to the new design. Honest feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the reply