Idea for my game?

i have came with idea for a game im a new scripter so i dont have a lot of knowledge i made a gun with someone’s help now i got an idea of a game the idea is you have a gun (Pistol) you can optimize the gun with money and get better armor as you play you can optimize
the damage or range and get skins for the gun is it a good idea!!?
this is my first model for the gun

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I mean thats like every FPS ever made but if you have an idea go for it,

and yes skins and optimisation on guns would be good for upgrades

yeah i mean the only gun you have is a Pistol thats where it become different you can make it auto single shoots charges that is my idea

and i want to make it an roblox style game not like phantom forces its for competitive i want to make it fun for every one even the new players and with roblox camera mechanics so its easyer to play like knife simulator

As a new scripter, I think you should stick to trying to learn basic scripts and such instead of diving into a game idea. Concepts as such a new developer don’t work and so it’s best for you to hone your new skill.

The gun looks okay for a first model but I’d suggest using a reference for it. Also… uppercase the I in inventory and make the UI button smaller.

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ok i will try that but my idea is kinda simple i guess bcz the modeling isnt that hard and damage is easily customizeable but my problem is in auto shooting system and other skills system but u r right i have to level up my developing skills and then start making games