Ideal network ownership / client stuff for vehicles?

When making a vehicle in Roblox, what is the best way (with network ownership or whatever) to make an optimized and responsive vehicle? Should movement be done on the client? If so, how? Or remote events?

The driver client should be replicating the car physics.

Just be aware that hackers can control the physics of their client at will.

They can do that for their character anyways, so it’s not a huge deal IMO. There are server side checks you can do to mitigate it if it becomes an issue.

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What do you mean when you say the driver client should be replicating the car physics?
Is this something I do with network ownership?
Do I just move the car’s wheels with a local script and see if it works?

Sorry. Just meant that the driver should be the network owner. That’s what the network owner does.

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I mean take a look at roblox’s model jeep, it uses 0 remote events because all it does is it clones a localscript to the client and sets the network owner to that client allowing for non laggy physics for that client.

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