Ideal X button?

(if you enter or leave your mouse on X button,)

  1. sound
  2. color
  3. scale
  4. sound + color + scale

I made 3 types of events and combined them but seem not good.
Maybe, is the event that works in both mouseenter and mouseleave wrong?
Which type you think best?

+Is the gui scale good?


Honestly I think the last one looks pretty good, you could try adding some tweens though to make it smooth


all of em at once look and sound great. Maybe not have the sound play when mouseleave. GuiScale is fine


It’s just personal preference, but I’d go with color + size. I think it’s better to add the sounds only on click rather than hover

I think that this X button is the best:

in all seriousness, the fourth one is clearly the best.

first one is too basic.
second one is ideal because it looks good but not too much
third one is good but not ideal because it is not as alerting as the second
fourth one seems a little bit overkill but not had too

The 4th X button is the best, but make the hover sound quieter, or fully remove it since it’s pretty annoying. Otherwise, nice job on this!