Frankly, no. There is not really any information about your build that I can ascertain from a single-word title and two lines of post content. I suggest producing images and giving further information on what you are wanting from a response here.
I agree with @Somnar on the current situation. Can you possibly elaborate on valuable information that would make us able to assist you with further inquiries?
First I’d add some pipes that you can fix, turn up or down the smoke level on or break. As well as adding some stuff in the boxes so you can open the box and throw the stuff. Also maybe have some plant life for the design. Hope this helps and good luck!
I’d look into more textures on the truck itself like metal of something and compare it with a more in real life feel into warehouses. It mostly seems to have a lot of wood and some areas could lessen down on the things going on.
This game idea is actually pretty cool and it would be nice to see a series of different scenarios.
Thank you everyone for the transcendent ideas, I will try to add almost all of these into the game, I added another small area which kinda opens the area up a bit more.