[Ideas and suggestions] A cyberpunk project

Hello everyone, I recently got back into ROBLOX and decided to create a small project in my free time. My hopes is that this turns into a singleplayer game, story driven with a heavy emphasis on ambience and lightning.

It is very early in development since I’m doing this alone in my free time, and I’m trying to build everything from scratch, using a couple of free models here and there to help fill in the level design.

I’m not much interested in making this a big title that sells good or anything like that, I got no deadlines and rather learn as much as I can from this before attempting something in a larger scale.

But before I move forward, I could use some help from you. First of all, would this kind of game interest you? How are singleplayer games viewed in the ROBLOX community? What do you believe makes a singleplayer game compelling and fun to play?

I’m going to show you the small progress I made so far and I’d like some feedback. Keep in mind that this is very barebones, and alot is subject to change. But feel free to talk about the art and level design, since I want this scene to be the starting position.

I’m trying to build the layout before I move onto details and stuff like that, so I will keep you updated as I continue my work.

Here are some screenshots:

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’d like to get as many things right as I can.


First and only suggestion is that although early development looks good, this seems quite ambitious. Catering towards a likely older playerbase is going to be hard by itself. If you want to be making revenue, singleplayer games are not going to do that well. You’re only competing against yourself most of the time so there isn’t as much of an urge to purchase to look/perform better. Good luck.

Oh, I’m not in this for the revenue, at least not this time. Mostly for the experience alone and being able to put out something that others can play. I do realise that catering to older players means less visits, but sometimes it’s about telling a story or building a world rather than just revenue, you know?

Hopefully this experience can come in handy in the future :slight_smile:

If you have 0 interest in making money of the project: full steam ahead

But personally , if I plan to spend a lot of time on something I want a return

Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll continue working on this until other, bigger responsabilities jump in front of it.

I have alot of assets that I can import to speed up the process, and maybe when ( and if) it is complete, I’ll sell it or give it away for the community.