Ideas for creating a more appropriate/complete lobby

I’ve had this nice medieval theme going for a while for my Plates of Fate-like game, but as I was renovating the lobby, I realized it didn’t seem appropriate for the type of game I was making. I like the island theme, but I am at a loss for ideas on how to incorporate a more expressive lobby that feels reminiscent to the original Plates of Fate lobby, but with the retro-kingdom theme.

As of now, the lobby is not exactly creative as I hope it could be.

I wanted to make the lobby wrap around the plates, but it caused phasing issues with some of my maps.

How the lobby looks as of time-of-posting:

Red indicates where the plates spawn

Castle closer up:

Some additional locations I would like to create include a place for an arcade (similar to the “gambling” system in PoF).

I’m not a builder by any means, any ideas would be appreciated

I remember the towers on the corners of PoF being generic pylons, but with your medieval theme it could look really neat with similar spires to your castle. Perhaps have a drawbridge from the lobby symbolically open at the start of a game? Or even wooden bridges spanning between the corners of the map, something fragile and unobstructive looking. The floating island theme works IMO, it adds to the sense of height and falling dangers. I don’t quite understand what the issue would be phasing between maps, would you need to move the lobby in/out to get it out of the way of larger maps?

I like the pylon idea a lot. About the phasing issue, apologies for not clarifying – maps like the following are obstructed if I were to wrap the lobby around the arena:

on an unrelated note, all of the following footage is subject to change and does not represent what the game may look like upon release. thanks

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Ah! I see. Gameplay looks fantastic so far. Perhaps for maps that are oblong you could raise the islands above the height of the map? Or sink the map down below the islands, same effect, I suppose.
*Or maybe it stays at the level of the main lobby island, but the rest either disappear or shuffle out of the way?

I’ve been experimenting with some designs lately. Would like some feedback, and suggestions of things I could change. (The designs aren’t final, just mockups)