While I was busy with development, I realized that this type of game is not so interesting even for tycoon lovers. I need some ideas on how to enhance gameplay and my game generally. What should I add on some planets(earth, moon, mars) and which gameplay features should I implement?
When u go to planets, there is a trader on each planet in a small cave, to buy weapons from him
u spend gems (i saw it in the screenshot)
(only attack enemies not players)
You could take some inspiration from Kerbal Space Program by awarding players with research points for scientific feats. For example, sending a starter satellite into space with measuring equipment, then adding additional boosters for greater orbits/heights. Players could then use those research points and funds to develop more advanced materials science/tech, essentially creating a positive feedback loop.
Another entertaining element (if you’re still in the early stages of development) is adding the risk of mission failures. You can either add a random risk of failures if players don’t invest into sufficient material science or safety features for their rockets, or if advanced enough, have rockets disintegrate mid-orbit during improper re-entry (if they’re in control of it that is, though this feature might distract them from their tycoons).
There’s a lot of creative liberty, and real-life historical examples you can go off of!