Ideas needed to fill in the blank for a story game lobby

I’m currently making a story game with @DarkForce987654 and we’ve made this lobby so far, but there’s one problem: I don’t have ideas on what to fill into the lobby, May I have a few ideas lended in please?


Hi Rosie,

One thing you could do is add a pop-up stand or two to add some decoration. You could actually make it so that you can sell your items from this stand if you have any shirts or similar apparel.

You could also add some plants around the area. One thing I would also recommend-from an aesthetic perspective- would be to change the texture of the wall, roof, and floor to concrete. Perhaps you could change the color of the aforementioned to slightly different variations of grey. This would give some depth to your store game.

Finally, it looks like you are making a metro station, so some metro signs would look great!


Thank you very much for the ideas, I will consider adding that to my game!

Everything that @Stamose said but also you could add some balls that the players can push around (similar to the blocks in the lobby of Skywars)

On the wall opposite of the board showing the title tags you could put a board showing the player’s stats.


That sounds like an amazing idea! I’ll add that to my game as soon as possible.

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More textures, indents in the walls, and perhaps fake advertisements. If you want the graphics better then use “Future” located in lighting as opposed to shadow-map. I would make the map thinner so there is less space for lack of detail, hope this helps!

What about some plants for decoration? Would be nice. Also, maybe some more lighting, it looks a bit dark in there. You could also add a few posters for ads.

Ty for the ideas you three, I will consider adding them!