Ideas to better monetize my obby?

Hello! I currently have a themed obby that I really did put effort into in trying not to make it generic or copied in anyway, it is an original idea and it more or less holds around 80-100 players on a week day
and around 170 average on weekends.

This is without ads. The montization rate on it is truly terrible. It has a robux return rate of around 0.2
Daily I get around 10k+ visits with only around 2k robux made sometimes and this is on developer stats so It’s not 2k made, that’s just the sales gross.
The net is basically whatever I see on developer stats minus 30% to Roblox. ((I usually make around 1k daily from premium payouts though))

Anyway, I’ve tried many ways to monetize it… skip stage, skip to end. (not sure if they’re priced properly.)
Skip stage 25 R$ / Skip to end 600 R$

I have gamepasses like rainbow magic carpet, flying bat wings and some even random cheap ones like a torch for 7 R$ for light… and a ninja throwing doll that turns camoflages you.

Upon death, just like most of the successful obbies a small UI prompt pops up on top of screen asking if you’d like to buy a gamepass, It’s not big or horrible.

Is there anyway you can think of bettering me game’s monetization? Or game itself? Icon as well? Thanks!
With my Icon I did 22000 Robux around christmas and got a CPP of 1.08.

This is the game. Escape Lab Prison Obby (New) - Roblox

Thank you for your input!


add some things like skip stage for 50R$. also, you should do pay access between 30 - 45 Robux.

add a gamepass shop UI. and add more things that players should buy.

if this helps, goodbye.

post from



If I made it paid access the game would most likely die down… As well as I want players who can’t afford still be able to have fun in my game.

I’m afraid of making skip stage so expensive…
We have a gamepass shop UI, will try to find more stuff.

Still open to suggestions.


oh, okay. i understand. goodbye, and have a great day /night.


Defiantly don’t like the skip-to-end Idea. Don’t forget that the more players you have. The bigger the chance is that they will invite their friends. And their friends will invite their friends. Not only that, the more players you have. The bigger the chance you have for more people to join. So sending them away for 600 R$ does not seem like a good idea.

I recommend deleting it and adjusting the price of the skip-stage to 15 R$. 15 R$ might seem a bit. But that way you’ll have a bigger chance of ppl purchasing it more times. Implying you’ll be getting a better purchase result, and more players.

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Thank you, believe it or not. The skip to end is rarely purchased anyway…
I added it because almost all other obby type games have it.

With regards to the skip stage, I originally had it at 15 and it was not going well at all.

If it is not going well that is because it is too easy. You have to make it harder when getting close to the end. That will get people excited, and only then they will buy it. About the skip-to-end, It’s up to you if you keep it or not. Though don’t add stuff if you think it is useless.

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Skip stage
Boombox and maybe VIP gamepass

Very bad, I do not recommend
Coils would make the obby incredibly easy discouraging the players which don’t have it. And it would make your players go away.

Boombox? They would start playing loud sounds and copyrighted music, and bypassed innanpropriate music.

Vip gamepass? As long as you don’t have advantages for vip users to beat the obby, but at the end of the day people will start flexing and harrass Poor players.


Not sure if I’m bumping this topic or anything but I would recommend having different skip stage products for each difficulty/section of your obby. When they start out it might be 5 robux, but then every 10 stages or so it gets more expensive. This way people will buy it and get a good reward for the price no matter the difficulty of their stage.


Admin surprisingly people buy it for high prices(of course no abusive powers)

Have a reward out of winning like maybe a rainbow carpet that flies idk what its called


Maybe make some custom shirts to sell. Or a donation board. Good luck

Why did the game die? I see now it has 0 active users, and that’s kinda scary considering how many users you were getting before

In short, I was very focused on average playtime and basically went around to any and every hard level and made em easy to keep players leaving and not rage quitting.

However at the same time, I did not realize what I was doing before it was pretty much too late, by making the game so easy, I eliminated the reason for anyone to buy anything, killing my own monetization, which I assume is what dropped it lower on search results, leading to this spot where it is now.

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As a roblox player I’ve played lots of obbys and the more game passes there are the more unfair it becomes which might lead to a decreased amount of players. I recommend making it have more unique features and making it majority different to other obbys. Though it’s up to you, think about your targeted ordinance and if you’re going for quantity or expensive game passes.

oh wow, thanks for sharing, it does sound reversable though tbh

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I agree, the only reason I have not had any attempts at bringing the obby back is because I am focused fully on a new project.

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I think you can add immersive ads in it, that’s what a lot of people do with obbys but it must meet some requirements which are not disclosed in the public as far as i know, i suggest you check the developer documentation article about it.

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I wanted to bump this thread as I believe there is a wealth of information here and some more ideas that could be developed.

I’m in a similar situation where players mention that my Obby is extremely fun, however I have yet to find a way to properly monetize it. I’m currently thinking just to bank on the engagement payout, however I’m not so sure that is a great long term idea.

There are still a lot of popular obbies out there in 2024, yet I’m unsure how they’re monetizing.