Idle Animation playing even during movement

Hello. So, I was working on a game feature which changed the character’s idle animation after a certain button was pressed, and everything seemed swell until-

For some reason only action animations will override the idle, but the idle is overruling the movement animation.

Now, the circumstances are that

  • The Animations are being played through the server

  • It’s indeed an idle animation

  • I am not manipulating anything related to the states such as Speed > 1, but I’m not sure if that’d be the solution regardless, nor is it being controlled through a variable change.

For more information, here’s the script, and here’s the animation script.

function AnimationModule.getSingleAnimation(Humanoid, ChosenAnimation)
	local Length = 0

	local KeySequence = KeyProvider:GetKeyframeSequenceAsync(ChosenAnimation.AnimationId)
	--print("Getting the Sequences and loading em")
	local KeyFrame = KeySequence:GetKeyframes()

	for i=1, #KeyFrame do
		local Time = KeyFrame[i].Time
		if Time > Length  then
			Length = Time

	return Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(ChosenAnimation), Length
end -- Credit to RedPly's it's a pretty solid animation system.
function StanceSwitch.Switches(Player, Count)
	local BStance
	local CStance
	if Count == 1 then
		Player:SetAttribute("CStance", FightStances[1]) 

		local Anim, Length = AnimationModule.getSingleAnimation(Player.Character.Humanoid, script.Animations.StanceOneIdle)


	elseif Count == 2 then
		Player:SetAttribute("CStance", FightStances[2]) 

		local Anim, Length = AnimationModule.getSingleAnimation(Player.Character.Humanoid, script.Animations.StanceTwoIdle)


	--[[elseif Count == 3 then
		Player[Stance] = Stances[3]

		local Anim, Length = AnimationModule.getSingleAnimation(Player.Character.Humanoid, script.Animations.StanceThreeIdle)



-- the variables BStance and CStance are obselete, I'll be deleting them soon.

Fixed it, had to play with speed a little.

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