Idle animation works on player side but not others?

so i dunno why but idle anims dont load on other’s screens, any help?

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is your script a server script or local script?

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its a bunch of local/server scripts, it was working just a few days ago with no issue and all the other animations load fine, its just the idle

can you share the script that handles the Idle animation? And is the Idle script a server script or a local script

image it then uses a q input to equip and run, its via a local script(i think? i havent worked on it in ages, i may be wrong) in lighting but connects to others, it was working fine a few days ago and the wierdest thing is that for some they work fine, some part of it works fine but other parts dont (like holding a knife, the pose runs but the knife doesnt move), and for all of them simply ragdolling the user fixes it all???

and apparently the bug only happens for some people and not for others???

can you give the full code from your local script? (dont take a screenshot, just copy the code and paste it here) Also, playing animations with a local script will not show the animation playing to other people in the server. You need to play the animation Server-Side (need to use a server script) for your Idle animation to work.

the odd thing is that it only happens to some people, it works fine on others and ragdolling the user fixes the idle, so it doesnt seem to be an issue with the script itself

Its best if you play animations with a server script, that way, everyone can see it no matter what.

Yea I recommend using server side scripts so everyone can see it and if you use client it only show for the player that is the one that doesn’t have a stand moving.

use human.Animator:LoadAnimation()

even now with server scripts this happens sometimes, and then other days it works fine. anyone have a fix for this?

also, while knocking someone over does fix the stand, it also makes the player’s limbs freeze on other’s screens? i’d really appreciate if anyone possibly can help.

It sounds like you’re having an issue similar to what’s detailed here: Animation replication help
Look at Daronion’s reply for an explanation.

I’m having an issue with “animation replication” as well but I haven’t had time to test this solution. However if you do get to try please tell me if it worked for you.