I was wondering if it was possible to idle a character while it being in Platform Stand, like this;
Instead of this;
I was wondering if it was possible to idle a character while it being in Platform Stand, like this;
Instead of this;
Uh, sorry that I hadn’t specified that, but I need it to have it on. I’m trying to have the character idle while having the PlatformStand property set to true.
Idle as in to just stand there but have PlatformStand on? No, not really. The PlatformStand state disables humanoid physics application while active and the Animate script also stops running animations while the Humanoid’s in that state. They’re all things you’d have to reimplement yourself.
What’s your use case? What kind of system are you trying to accomplish exactly?
I’m working on a bhop script I reworked a while ago. PlatformStand is a big part in it, turning it off would kind of break the strafing mechanism. I’m trying to make it look less dry by implementing the player’s default idle animation instead of the character standing.