I created a compression module very easy to use. So basically it converts an Array of float numbers (decimal numbers) to a string of characters.
Thought I shared this with yall so if yall need floating point number compression here it is. I’ll make ALP compression in the future. (ALP: Adaptive Lossless floating-Point Compression)
Demo code
local IEEE754 = require(script.IEEE754)
local myLongDecimalArray = {}
for i = 1, 10 do -- put 10 random numbers in array
myLongDecimalArray[i] = math.random() -- give random long number
local compressedString = IEEE754.compress(myLongDecimalArray)
print(compressedString) -- 3DAD36EA3F460ED13F083EF23F06217E3F4959C43EF51C583F472DE23EABDD553F450B8F3EEBE4B9
-- that whole string stores a long character of numbers
-- this is that same array but as a json
-- [0.0845773994558259,0.7736636010536396,0.5322105229007587,0.5239485665571584,0.7865260121008202,0.4787318785114881,0.7780438929507889,0.33567303171728737,0.7697076657440565,0.46072941264401809]
-- it is very long. and it got compressed into a string.
local myOtherSameLongDecimalArray = IEEE754.decompress(compressedString)
-- IEEE754 has some uh problems that are known, on decompression it has a 0.0000000001 number difference. It doesnt really matter even on big scale projects.
print(myOtherSameLongDecimalArray) -- its back hello array!
-- thats basically it
IEEE754 Download
IEEE754.lua (1.6 KB)
Full Module Code
local Compression = {}
local abs = math.abs
local frexp = math.frexp
local ldexp = math.ldexp
local bor = bit32.bor
local tableConcat = table.concat
local stringPack = string.pack
local stringUnpack = string.unpack
local char = string.char
local format = string.format
local byte = string.byte
local extract = bit32.extract
local insert = table.insert
function Compression.floatToBinary(num)
local sign = num < 0 and 1 or 0
num = abs(num)
local mantissa, exponent = frexp(num)
mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * ldexp(0.5, 24)
exponent = exponent + 126
local raw = bor(sign * 0x80000000, exponent * 0x800000, mantissa)
return stringPack(">I4", raw)
local floatToBinary = Compression.floatToBinary
function Compression.compress(array: { number })
local compressed = {}
for arrayIndex = 1, #array do
compressed[arrayIndex] = floatToBinary(array[arrayIndex])
local compressedString = tableConcat(compressed)
local compressedASCII = compressedString:gsub(".", function(c) return format("%02X", byte(c)) end)
return compressedASCII
function Compression.decompress(compressedASCII: string)
local binary = compressedASCII:gsub("..", function(hex) return char(tonumber(hex, 16)) end)
local decompressed = {}
for i = 1, #binary, 4 do
local raw = stringUnpack(">I4", binary:sub(i, i + 3))
local sign = extract(raw, 31, 1)
local exponent = extract(raw, 23, 8) - 126
local mantissa = (extract(raw, 0, 23) + 0x800000) / 0x1000000
local number = ldexp(mantissa, exponent) * (sign == 1 and -1 or 1)
insert(decompressed, number)
return decompressed
return Compression
This is used on my Machine Learning module to compress very large networks 250% while keeping its parameters the same.
You can see the Machine Learning module here.