Hi, I made a rig, but it has custom parts, for example, hips, knees, a neck, etc. Are rigs like this not automatically provided animations? Would I be better off wielding these custom parts to the model instead of making them part of the rig? Thanks.
default roblox animations are aimed for R6 or R15 body type. You can use roblox default animations if your rig has same parts and joints as a default roblox character. But i would highly recommend you to create all animations from the scratch even if all body parts and joints are the same.
Oh, that’s the thing, it wasn’t automatically supplied them, do I have to supply them myself, or is there a problem with the rig?
i don’t quite understand what do you mean but if you saying that roblox default animatios doesn’t work after you just added your custom character as a starter character, that means that it probably has parts or joints named wrongly, just create a dummy and copy all names from each part and joint
I got all the names correct, but here are some screenshots lol
most of your joints are placed wrongly, they must be in the place where two parts should bend, like when i look at your hip joint it is in the middle of the hip part, just create a dummy and check his joints, also it is important to chose first and second part that you want to connect as in the dummy. joint has like part0 and part1 in its properties and it mattersw which part is part0 or part1, as i said above just check dummy’s joints and make sure they are placed and connected identically
also i just noticed that you have a neck part, and default roblox rig doesn’t, so you should make your own animations or remove the neck.
Thanks for the help! Also, is there any order I need to rig the joints in, or do I just connect upper parts to lower parts and then do the rest in any order? Maybe like LeftUpperArm to Elbow to LeftLowerArm?
after you create a joint, there will be something like part0 and part1, i’m not sure which part should be which but if you are making a humanoid like rig then just check r15 dummy’s joints as i said a lot of times above… like if dummy has a “root” joint and part0 is a HumanoidRootPart and part1 is a LowerTorso then your rig should have the same joint. If you switch part0 and part1 the rig will be wrong and it won’t work.
also joints order doesn’t matter, you can start from anywhere but if you asked then i usually do: Root, Waist, Neck, both shoulders, both elbows, both wrists, both hips, both knees, both ankles
Thanks! Would doing Torso to Humanoidrootpart work, or other way around?