If a upload a video with a green screen will the green screen be transparent

I’m sure it seems like a stupid question but I really don’t want to waste 2k robux on a useless video. What I’m trying to achieve is for example a character that can be placed on a part yet the background, can be changed to any material. But i need to know if I upload a video that has a green screen background, will that background be removed after uploading? Or if there is a different way to achieve this. Anything will help and will be appreciated, thank you : )

I don’t believe Roblox Studio has any chroma key feature for videos, no. You can’t upload videos with transparent layers either AFAIK.

Your best option would be to go into a video editor (such as Premiere Pro) and add in the background material or screenshot of the view from your game as a back layer of the video. It won’t be perfect but that’s the only solution I can think of.

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Oh alright, I’ll try this. Thank you😊

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