If I have a script that needs to run forever, should I be using while task.wait() do?

I have a daily rotating shop system and it needs to be actively checking if the day has changed.

while task.wait(5) do
	if CurrentDay ~= os.date("%j") then
		--update shop stuff

Is there a better way to do this? I don’t think calling os.date has any performance issues, even so it’s every 5 seconds so it can’t be horrible. Is there a connection I can use that tells me when the day has changed IRL or should I be just fine with a never ending loop(I’ve heard bad things about them)?

Seems ok, if you check your script activity it will probably be less than 0.1% it should be fine and there are bigger fish to fry.

Otherwise for script improvement ideas, perhaps try a more event based approach detect the time during player join, every time the main menu opens.

If you need a notification without needing player input perhaps a long wait? Not sure about the performance implications but it doesn’t show up on script activity which should be the main concern. Might be false IDK

print("Hello world!")


print("5 hours have passed")