If i rename a part in an animation, it excludes all the motor6d parts out of the animation.
Here’s the structure:
Handle was originally animated with “Grip”. How can i convert the animations to function with the renamed part instead?
Could you explain this better? I’m not sure if I know what you mean.
When I animated this tool, the part name “Handle” (required for tool to function), was originally named “Grip”. So, to make it tool-compatible, I renamed it handle. But, since the part was not name “Grip”, animations don’t play with the Motor6D (only the arms), but if the part is renamed to grip, it plays properly.
Potentially you could make the tool’s RequireHandle false, and edit the code of the tool to work with it named that
Hope this helps.
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Did it and it works fine, thanks!
(had to add a grip to motor 6d to replace the RightGrip though)