If I want to fire the same remote from 2 guns, in a gun system would it work?

I tried to make a gun system but failed, due to whatever crap not working, already annoyed to hell.

We need more details, where is the event you’re trying to fire? Where are you trying to fire it from?

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I’m firing it from a gun, for example a pistol and a db shotgun. The event is in replicatedstorage, named weaponFired.

Why not just have separate remotes in the tools themselves? So you won’t have hundreds of if-statements just to change the logic of the shooting based on which gun is used.

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Wait, are you saying I should just like, do it like roblox gears? - they have their own remotes inside.

Any reason why you can’t just fire the event from the gun?

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Event = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Event")

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Yes, that is personally how I and many others do it

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Oh, I’ll go try that then. Thanks for the help.

Please consider making your initial post more descriptive!