If im making a football game would i use hitboxes or just do right leg touched

The title is all you need to know

Not really descriptive for me…
Idk, relying on touch events or “hitboxes” sounds like a quick approach.
I could try with a custom ball controller, maybe using Raycasting from the feet? Applying some movement to the ball maybe?

You are not even specifying under what circumstances you wanna interact with the ball when using those “hitboxes” or touched events, so its hard to know what you expect as an answer


…But he is? He’s making a football game, so he would want to apply a force to the ball when it’s kicked. The title says that he would like to know whether he could rely on the BasePart.Touched event or if he would have to use a hitbox to check if the ball would connect with the leg.

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It depends on a few factors, but I’d try using Spatial Queries, Shapecasts or just BasePart.Touched.