If my game got banned, and I updated it in Roblox TOS, can I re-upload that game?

My game got banned a couple of months ago for an unknown reason, I tried to appeal but my email is not linked to my account, whole different story. I figured out the main reason why it was moderated, and changed it. I want to update my game using the new place, although I am not really sure how to reset the shadow ban.

You should add an email to your account and ask Roblox to review the updated version

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I have a verified email linked to the account with 2fa, but that email is deleted:(. This makes it impossible to fully contact Roblox Support, as they ask me to contact them using the deleted account.

depending on what email provider you are with you can ask them to recover the deleted account or if the account is available to claim again just make the email again

it’s gmail, and the email is permanently deleted. I am pretty sure you aren’t allowed to use the same email name again.

I wish I could get hold of a Roblox moderator, as the Roblox Support bots aren’t helping.

Isn’t that some sort of ban evasion technically

You should first sort out getting a verified email or you aren’t able to do much at all.

Roblox support is operated by humans with templates. I honestly don’t see how you can proof ownership unless you got payment info to proof ownership. Anything else like previous played games can also just be a hacker who accessed the account and therefor wouldn’t really proof any type of ownership