Im my game NFT simulator, you exchange your Etherius for Cash. At the stand though, whenever you touch the radius, nothing happens. The seller doesn’t say any dialogue, and no GUIs pop up.
Here is the code:
local chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local head = script.Parent.Parent.Decoration["etherius man"].Head
local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ethprice = script.Parent.Parent.Price.Value
if game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) then
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if ethprice > 0 then
if player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value > 0 and player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("NewSell") == nil then
chat:Chat(head, "wanna exchange your etherius?")
local sell = rep.GUIs.Sell:Clone()
sell.Name = "NewSell"
sell.EtheriusPrompt.TextLabel.Text = "Would you like to sell your etherius for $".. ethprice * player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value .."?"
sell.Parent = player.PlayerGui
sell.EtheriusPrompt:TweenPosition(, -148, 0.5, -131), "Out", "Quint", 2, true)
elseif player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value == 0 then
chat:Chat(head, "you have no etherius to exchange.")
Basically, he’ll only talk to you if you have no Etherius or you do have Etherius but no GUI. However, he doesn’t speak, and the GUI doesn’t trigger. Any help would be appreciated!
The issue is you gotta really check the if statements meet the condition. I suggest printing it out before the if statement to see if it’s true.
local chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local head = script.Parent.Parent.Decoration["etherius man"].Head
local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
if game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) then
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
local ethprice = script.Parent.Parent.Price.Value -- Remeasure the eth price
print(ethprice)--double make sure to debug
if ethprice > 0 then
if player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value > 0 and player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("NewSell") == nil then
chat:Chat(head, "wanna exchange your etherius?")
local sell = rep.GUIs.Sell:Clone()
sell.Name = "NewSell"
sell.EtheriusPrompt.TextLabel.Text = "Would you like to sell your etherius for $".. ethprice * player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value .."?"
sell.Parent = player.PlayerGui
sell.EtheriusPrompt:TweenPosition(, -148, 0.5, -131), "Out", "Quint", 2, true)
elseif player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value == 0 then
chat:Chat(head, "you have no etherius to exchange.")
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- You need to define the parent of the GUI before you can add text to it, otherwise, it will not show.
- Improper string concatenation.
local sell = rep.GUIs.Sell:Clone()
sell.Name = "NewSell"
sell.Parent = player.PlayerGui
sell.EtheriusPrompt.TextLabel.Text = "Would you like to sell your etherius for $"..tostring( ethprice * player.leaderstats.Etherius.Value).."?"
This is weird… I pasted in your version with the prints and it started working. I still need to fix a few bugs with it that are unrelated to this but thank you
It’s not weird, sorry didn’t explain it fully. Values are “Copied” from the moment they are accessed, that’s why I commented --Remeasure Moving the ethprice variable within the Touched event allows it to remeasure the new updated value, or else it will stay as zero.
local transparency = part.Transparency --is equal to zero
part.Transparency = 1 -- change to 1
print(transparency) -- Still remains zero
print(part.Transparency) -- is equal to one after change
The only thing that breaks this behavior are tables which are passed by reference.
TL;DR “Values” are copied except for tables.