Ignored Friend Requests turn into followers?

I have a ton of FRs that I’d like to convert to followers, will this ever be a thing?


But they didn’t request to be your follower.

They want all or nothing.

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Lol but didn’t all friends get turned into followers when the update initially came out?

But then I’d have to feel bad because they’d know I declined them.

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Best friends / friends are different from friends / followers, so you never had the option to follow someone prior to the update. ROBLOX did its best job and assumed that you would be okay following friends that you weren’t able to until recently. Now though, you are able to choose to follow someone – if you choose not follow someone, why should you be forced to follow them if they decline your friend request? They have a choice now, and it’s not your decision to force people to follow you.

Additionally, most people (if not everyone) cannot remember every single person on their friends’ list off the top of their head – If they just disappeared from your followers and friends list, they would be gone forever. Storing them on your followers list allowed you to send them a friend request post-update. Remember that not everyone reads the blog and would have been prepared for the friends/followers update.

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I know but, before the update, I already had 50k+ FRs. I never accepted them because I only accepted my actual friends. Now I have a giant pile of friend requests and 5k followers. Had I accepted them, I’d have all those people as followers instead.


You’re trying to exploit the system just so you have more followers to market to. No, ROBLOX is not going to add in an annoying feature where you have to un-follow someone if they decline your friend request just to increase the audience you can advertise your games to.

I asked the same exact question and was shot down.

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They wanted to be your friend for a reason. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind following you.


What about something like
“Bob denied your friend request; however, would you like to follow Bob instead?”
But idk so

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Agree with this.

I don’t see the harm in automatically doing both when you send a friend request.


I’m not trying to exploit the system. They should’ve converted pending requests right from the start. If 50,000 friends can turn into followers why didn’t they turn 50,000 friend requests into followers?


Just because I want to be someone’s friend doesn’t mean I want their statuses in my feed, and for the record, I’m not pulling this out of thin air – I brought this up six months ago. Currently friends’ statuses are shown in your feed, but this is not proper behavior and I expect it to be fixed sometime in the future.

So no, just because you want to be friends with someone doesn’t mean you want their updates in your feed. If someone wants to follow you, they’ll click the follow button when they send you the friend request. That hidden gotcha of following someone when you send them a friend request is bad design and will present problems in the future when friends’ statuses are no longer shown in your feed, when the feed is expanded to be useful (i.e. game updates in your feed – would you want all of your friends’ game updates in your feed or just the people you followed?)

Tell me how this benefits the users who sent you friend requests. If they currently have interest in following you then they’ll follow you – forcing them to follow you is not in their best interest, and only benefits you. It’s meant to benefit you, and not them.

Because those friend requests could have been from eons ago and they may no longer have any interest in following you – the people who sent you those 50,000 friend requests months ago prior to the friends and followers updates are not guaranteed to still have interest in you – if they did, they would follow you themselves without being forced to. It’d be chaotic if people randomly started showing up in your following list just because you sent them a friend request ages ago.

[size=2]Then why did ROBLOX forcefully make you follow all your friends when this was released[/size]

The people on your friends list could also have been from eons ago, yet they still got converted.

It does benefit me but it’s not “exploiting the system” because I’m not exploiting anything. All I’m saying is that friend requests should’ve been converted to followers when the update came out, just like actual friends did.

You can remove friends – you can’t revoke friend requests. I could hate your guts and still have a friend request pending from a year ago with you. I can remove you from my friends list at any time if I didn’t like you. If people were on your friends list they were either inactive or liked being your friend. Just because you have a friend request pending from them does not mean they like you or have interest in what you make.

Well they didn’t, and it’s already been covered why it shouldn’t and won’t happen now. There’s no point in asking to change the past (because it can’t be changed), so there’s no point in pressing this further.

Exploit: to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way. Forcing people to be your followers is using them in a selfish way considering they do not, at this time, consent to being your follower and it only for sure benefits you.

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