This is something between a feature and bug, placing it under bug since it is an inconsistent behaviour.
The Core GUI on Xbox does not have the same concept of top bar as PC and mobile - this causes all UI:s that uses the property IgnoreGuiInset to look broken.
The resource labels in the top has IgnoreGuiInset: true in order to be placed in the top bar, while the rest of the HUD is on a separate screen gui with IgnoreGuiInset: false.
Other platforms:
The UI works as intended here.
The top menu gets placed overlapping the resource labels
Reasons for fixing this:
Currently a manual Xbox-specific work around is needed in order to adapt UI:s that use IgnoreGuiInset for Xbox.
I think that Xbox players would benefit from the engine handling this in a consistent manner instead since that would probably fix a lot of UI:s in games that does not specifically adapt for Xbox.