Welcome to the IIMRF Staff Handbook.
This guide will explain all the important information that you may need to know when working as a MR, HR or SHR. If you have any questions, ask iliketacosdoyoulol (IMFOverseer).
Main Handbook Rules Below ↓
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In game rules, level one violations
R/1.1 Spamming = 3x verbal warnings, 4x kicks, game ban, exile
R/1.2 Trolling = 3x verbal warnings, 4x kicks, game ban, exile
R/1.2 Yelling repeatedly = 3x verbal warnings, 4x kicks, game ban, exile
R/1.3 Being mean, rude = 3x verbal warnings, 4x kicks, game ban, exile
R/1.4 Not listening to staff = 3x verbal warnings, 4x kicks, game ban, exile
In game rules, level Two violations
R/2.1 Advertising = 3x warnings, 2x kick, 1x ban, 1x exile
R/2.2 Standing on major impacting controls = 3x warnings, 2x kick, 1x ban, 1x exile.
R/2.3 Harassing people = 3x warnings, 2x kick, 1x ban, 1x exile.
R/2.4 Trying to divert attention from the game, spreading false bad information = 3x warnings, 2x kick, 1x ban, 1x exile.
In game rules, level Three violations
R/3.1 Hacking = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.2 Profanity = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.3 Discrimination based on religions, cultures, etc = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.4 Raiding = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.5 Bypassing = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.6 Violation of major rules of Roblox ToS = 2x kicks, 1x game ban, 1x exile
R/3.7 Spam of bug report = 1 timeban (1 day for how many times), 1x game ban
Group Rules
Group rules, violations
Spamming, trolling, advertising, profanity, gossiping, and violation of Roblox ToS will result in an exile after repeated warnings.
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You are to administer this protocol if someone is in violation of rules. If you have, you MUST report in staff logs. When issuing punishment, you say You are in violation of [Blank]. Your punishment is [Blank].
Ex.: You are in violation of 2.1, advertising. You have been given your first warning
Staff admin Hierarchy
Shift Overseer = Moderator
Supervisor - Head Supervisor = Admin
Above that it will be decided by higher ranks.
If you’re trying to moderate someone and you don’t have high enough admin, please contact a higher rank.
Staff Rules
Staff rules, level One violations
SR/1.1 Influencing bad behavior = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion for a determined time, 1x demotion
SR/1.2 Being rude = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion for a determined time, 1x demotion
SR/1.3 Trolling = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion for a determined time, 1x demotion
SR/1.4 Lying = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion for a determined time, 1x demotion
SRS/1.5 Unprofessionalism = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion for a determined time, 1x demotion
Staff rules, level Two violations
SR/2.1 = Harassment = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion, 1x demotion, 1x exile.
SR/2.2 = Being Rude = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion, 1x demotion, 1x exile.
SR/2.3 = Lying after violating a rule = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion, 1x demotion, 1x exile.
SR/2.4 = Attempting to disrupt or interrupt important sessions, roleplay, etc = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion, 1x demotion, 1x exile.
SR/2.5 = Glitching = 3x verbal warnings, 1x admin demotion, 1x demotion, 1x exile.
SR/2.6 = Not being active for 1-3 months = 3x verbal warnings, 1x demotion.
Staff rules, level Three violations
SR/3.1 = Using head admin room plus+ without permission. = 1x verbal warning, 1x time demotion, 1x trial, (if found guilty you will either be demoted forever, or exiled)
SR/3.2 = Abusing admin = 1x verbal warning, 1x time demotion, 1x trial, (if found guilty you will either be demoted forever, or exiled)
SR/3.3 = Promotion/Demotion for no reason = 1x verbal warning, 1x time demotion, 1x trial, (if found guilty you will either be demoted forever, or exiled)
SR/3.4 = Gossip, talking bad about games, treason, attempting to direct visitors from our game to another, etc. = 1x verbal warning, 1x time demotion, 1x trial, (if found guilty you will either be demoted forever, or exiled)
SR/3.5 = Using btools/dex without permission from a HR = 1x verbal warning, 1x time demotion, 1x trial, (if found guilty you will either be demoted forever, or exiled)
Staff rules, level Four violations
SR/4.1 = Hacking = Demotion, or exile.
SR/4.2 = Exiling randomly = Demotion, or exile.
SR/4.3 = Giving people admin randomly = Demotion, or exile.
SR/4.4 = Banning people randomly = Demotion, or exile.
SR/4.5 = Using the crash command = Demotion, or exile.
SR/4.6 = Blackmailing, framing = Demotion, or exile.
These rules are basically common sense. If you are a lower rank, contact or dm a higher rank than the violator to administer punishment. Abusing commands = Crash command, zigguardo, loopkill, tornado, nuke, wildfire, extremely loud music, gear etc (basically anything that majorly affects the player/server) Just use common sense, any command you dont know dont use it!
Court procedures
The courtroom is in the game, “spaceship.” The only reason for the use of the game is for either voting, or trial. (trial can happen for special, and repeat infractions)
When a voting happens, a Senior High Rank sits and tells the vote, and then the people who are sitting vote by standing in a line and privately chatting with the SHR.
When a trial happens, everyone sits first. Then, the defense “violator and maybe a lawyer” says why he’s not guilty, and the prosecution on the other side of the two tables speak. Then after that they both debate. Each speech and debate will last 2 minutes, so there are 3 in a cycle. Each cycle will last 6 minutes, and there will be 2 cycles. No one interrupts the judge, and the judge gets the gavel. Then the jury (either selected, not biased people, or people who are in the audience.) Any biases is punishable by a ban.
There are 2 events: an interview which can be performed by Head of Reactor Operations and Shift which can be performed by Head Supervisor +.
Interview Questions
Can you share some of your experience working with Roblox and any interesting projects you’ve worked on within the platform? Answer: Notable Experiences
What excites you about the opportunity to work in a nuclear facility within Roblox, and how do you think your skills align with this role? Answer: Credible skills
Have you encountered any technical challenges while working on Roblox projects? If so, how did you handle and overcome them? Answer: Notable Experience
Imagine a simulated emergency situation in the nuclear facility, like a reactor malfunction or radioactive leak. How would you handle it within the virtual environment? Answer: Follow Protocol Handbook (Coming Soon! :D)
Share an example of a time when you faced a complex problem or challenge within Roblox and how you approached solving it. Answer: Notable Experience
How do you ensure compliance with regulations are met, like rules and protocol, etc while managing a virtual nuclear facility in Roblox? Answer: By following staff handbook.
Can you share your previous experience in a similar role or industry that showcases your skills and qualifications for this middle-rank position? Answer: Notable Experience
Tell us about a time when you faced a difficult situation or challenge at work and how you successfully resolved it. Answer: Notable Experience
How do you prioritize and manage multiple tasks or projects simultaneously, and what strategies do you use to ensure timely completion? Answer: Notable Experience
Share an example of a time when you demonstrated strong leadership skills and how they positively impacted the outcome of a project or task.Answer: Notable Experience
There are not lots of answers, but just if they have experience and good answers to questions, you can hire them. If they are unprofessional, or seem like a bad fit, you deny them the job. Please report if they passed in Employee logs. The way you rank up is being active and supporting the group. Hiring someone when they shouldn’t, will be considered SR/4.3.
Shifts are used for activity. First, you need to say in shift announcements: Shift? 3+ reactions needed! Than, add a X and checkmark, and than wait for about 10-5. If you get enough reactions, tell them to join the game and go to the shift area. This is what you say. Red = what you say.
“Hello everyone, I am the host for today’s shift, (username)! How is everyones’ day?”
Before we start, here a couple of rules."
[1] “If you interrupt the roleplay, you will be kicked and removed from the session.”
[2] “Remain in your station.”
[3] “Be nice!”
“Okay, here are the roles.”
MD/Mining Duty - SD/Science Duty - RD/Reactor Duty - MAT/Maintance Team - [SED] Security Duty.
Assign the roles now.
“Before we start, does anyone have questions?”
“Okay, please go to your stations.”
Fifteen minutes later
Teleport everyone to the shift room.
“Thanks for coming, the shift winner was: (insert username)”
“Good job everyone, thanks for coming!”
Say who won in staff logs, and on the group shout in the main group.
If anyone is confused about the handbook then you are free to ask any questions @TI5DL.
Last Updated = 6/29/2023 By = @TI5DL