IK Controls are now out of beta!

You mean the one that isn’t loading?
I don’t see any issues. Just make sure your IK mode is set properly (LookAt).

Huh, not sure why it didn’t load - is there a specific video format I should be using? The issue I’m facing might be a bit difficult to understand without the visual aid, and is not one resolved by reconfiguring the mode.

Does this one work? If it does, please note how the limb, when attempting to stretch to the destination, twists inconsistently - I’ve put a decal on the top of the limb for visual clarity. The biggest issue I see here is that when returning from the overextension, the limb stays twisted.


I’m not exactly sure why this is happening. Seems like you need to constrain it with a UJoint.

Hi there,
( I messaged you since it looks like you experienced with this topic)
I have this arm here:
and whenever I test it, it looks like this:
I want to achieve this:

(i added a pole to the foot so if the character moves the bend will look naturally, if I added the pole to the first part of the leg, I would get what I wanted, only that now the bend is on many different axes…
would be appreciated if you have any tips :slight_smile:

Seems like you need to use a joint constraint as well as a pole.

What kind of joint? I already used my Ik control and “jointed” all the parts together:
(the upper leg is hinged together with a part in the torso. That is how I manage to move the arm with the torso). Should I add like a Point where the Pole should go? I noticed you can only add one pole as an instance with a script and I do not really know how I would connect a joint as a pole…

(ignore the part glitching at the end lol)


u need hingeconstraints (maybe ball socket constraint in your case) if u want to add limits to ur bone rotations

in this video no pole was used


are there new IK controls for beta. nice

I’m still experiencing crashes after implementing IKControls to my project. Specifically when equipping a tool. It’s somewhat rare but in a server one player usually experiences it per play session.

Should I add the Hinge Constraint between the upper and the lower leg? I already have a motor 6d attached there, without it the ik joint wouldn‘t work.

If i really understood what u want from the screenshots, there should be an Attachment on the body and one on the upper leg, one at c0 and one at c1, but for your use BallSocketConstraint might help you more since I guess you want it to act like a hip joint

Hey there,
this worked for me, thank you! I only have one problem tho. If the spider has to move up when there is a block infront of it, it won’t work since I added a tween to the primaray part of the model, which affects the x, y and z axis. When I try to move up the primary part by y 2 tweens will overlap. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?

can you like give a video of the issue, im not very familiar with roblox and i never used tweens

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I have 2 scripts: 1 raycasts down and keeps the distance from the torso to the ground the same (so the y axis gets affected) and the second script moves the torso of the robot (should be only the x axis, since you can’t tween only one axis you have to: vector3.new(x+100,y,z) for example, not just Position.X += 100) Since these two tweens then overlap it doesn’t work. For example, here the robot should raise itself:

It does not work since the move tween overlaps the raycast tween.
Second thing is that the legs “glitch”. Even if I used the ball constraint the upper leg just completely glitches out of the constraint.

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You can still use pole even with constraint if you like, might give more realism, glitches often occur when ikcontrol cant find a way to solve for a position and will just glitch out
Now about the torso position, you could try to make an Update function which would basically handle anything related to main body (position, rotation, raycast), anyway weird issue since i cant find out how one script modifying vector would override another one since they are not called in the same time (nanosecond speaking)

I see you have experience with this topic. Can you tell me a way how I would manage to interrupt the tween without really stopping it?

Basically I want to recreate this effect (optionally also with those bumps for some realism)

I looked into “Tweens”, do you use tweenservice? If yes did u try without it (modify cframe or pos directly)?

Yes, I am using Tweens, I always thought that if you modify cframes directly it won’t looks smooth…

Yeah i think using tweens would be the issue here since one will override eachother due to the way they work, as i mentioned in some replies above im sure you need to use cframe and smooth it yourself


Try lerping the CFrame rather than tweening it.