IK Controls are now out of beta!

Hello! I’ve been having issues with the IKControl.
Info: I’m trying to make R15 Footplanting and for the most part it works.
Issue: The problem I’m having is that at the middle and end of my custom walk animation when my character puts their foot down there is a spasm. This doesn’t happen when using other animations and only the ones I’ve made(maybe cause I made them in blender)

Video of me using it with my own walk animation in slow motion.

External Media

Video of me using it with one of Roblox’s default animations.

External Media

Edit: I realize I could add more information. I’ve already tried changing weights, animation priority, poles, and smooth time.

Edit 2: I found out this only happens when the animation extends the knee too far, not sure what the threshold for this is but for now I have to edit my animations.

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How did you manage to do this? woudl appreciate if you could show some code :slight_smile:

Any updates on the demo place?