I'm a little dry on ideas right now, feedback would be appreciated!

I’m currently working on a “Doom Clone” in Roblox and I am running low on ideas. I want to keep the game close to Doom with some differences. Maybe some map ideas or gameplay mechanics you guys would like to see, I would like to hear!


has potential…
But god damn it dude why are no weapons based off high zoom lmao
every weapon is a good hip fire gun right now
and that’s a no no

so make a high zoom pogger guns

Great game though.


grapplers gun could be fun! Or maybe a soda that after drunk, would increase your speed


Giving the monster weak spots which you can use to blow off limbs, using a sniper or a melee weapon.
Would be a fresh and satisfying take on the classic doom experience.
Also changing the the weapon selection to be a bit less cloney could be nice. I’d love to see the plasma gun instead being a honing missile type weapon.
Also you really gotta work on getting those effects looking good because currently they aren’t the nicest looking things.

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I do plan on giving guns different unique abilities. As for limbs and weak spots, I really like that idea, especially since I’m going to try to make the game as bloody as roblox will allow.

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