Im a starter in roblox scripting and i want to know what and where i need to add to makes this values really changes

stats script:

	local stat ="Folder", player)
	stat.Name = "stats"
	local money ="IntValue")
	money.Name = "Money"
	money.Value = 0
	money.Parent = player.stats
	local Multiplayer ="IntValue")
	Multiplayer.Name = "Multi"
	Multiplayer.Value = 1
	Multiplayer.Parent = player.stats
	while true do
		money.Value += 1 * Multiplayer.Value

upgrade button script:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Money = Player.stats:FindFirstChild("Money")
local Multi = Player.stats:FindFirstChild("Multi")

local ReplicatedStorage = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remotes = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Remotes")
local Event = Remotes:WaitForChild("DoubleMoneyGainEvent")

local screenGUI = script.Parent
local GuiHolder = screenGUI.GuiHolder
local UpgradesHolder = GuiHolder.UpgradesHolder
local StatsHolder = GuiHolder.StatsHolder

local DoubleMoneyGainButton = UpgradesHolder.DoubleMoney.UpgradeButton

local function DoubleMoneyGain()
	local NumberOfUpgrades = DoubleMoneyGainButton.NumberOfUpgrades
	if NumberOfUpgrades.Value == 0 and Money.Value >= 5 then
		Money.Value -= 5
		Multi.Value *= 2
		NumberOfUpgrades.Value += 1



So whats working and whats not? (e.g is the money value increasing in leaderstats) because I cant really tell whats what like is “holder” supposed to be a text label or frame?

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everything works just when im cluck upgrade button my cash get - 5 but after a second it goes to value it was and didn’t get a multiplayer

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then its probably a problem with replicated storage?
im also new so im not 100% sure

Idk the reason for using :WaitForChild instead of :GetService because I’ve always used :GetService(“ReplicatedService”)
same thing for your remotes and events, I would just index them normally

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remotes = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes
local Event = Remotes.DoubleMoneyGainEvent
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nah there is something else its still doesnt work

The player isn’t earning any money because 1x1 = 1

no he earns money and problem absolutely not in this

whats this for? is there another server script because i dont see this event being recienved on your first script

this is RemoteEvent From ReplicatedStorage

I never noticed you using += 1 then

yeah you fired the remote event from client but the server should do something once it recieved it

so what i need to do???

we can just code the logistics in the server script so change this to

local function DoubleMoneyGain()
	local NumberOfUpgrades = DoubleMoneyGainButton.NumberOfUpgrades
		NumberOfUpgrades.Value += 1

then add the part we removed to the server script (add this to the top of the server script)

	Money.Value -= 5
	Multi.Value *= 2

Nah it giving me error: OnServerEvent can only be used on the server - Client - LocalScript:24

ok i almost got it im switched script from local to server
im just need to find where do i put MouseButton1Click and RemoteEvent

local ReplicatedStorage = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remotes = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Remotes")
local RemoteEvent = Remotes:WaitForChild("DoubleMoneyGainEvent")

local screenGUI = script.Parent
local GuiHolder = screenGUI.GuiHolder
local UpgradesHolder = GuiHolder.UpgradesHolder
local StatsHolder = GuiHolder.StatsHolder
local DoubleMoneyGainButton = UpgradesHolder.DoubleMoney.UpgradeButton

	local Money = player.stats:FindFirstChild("Money")
	local Multi = player.stats:FindFirstChild("Multi")

	local NumberOfUpgrades = DoubleMoneyGainButton.NumberOfUpgrades
	if NumberOfUpgrades.Value == 0 and Money.Value >= 5 then
		Money.Value -= 5
		Multi.Value *= 2
		NumberOfUpgrades.Value += 1

--where do u need to put those?

remote event is used to communicate between server and client scripts
idk why dev forum send the notification so late
I dont think you can access guis through server scripts so your new script wont work

you have to put this inside of the server script!!! thats what i said!!

this is the only part that needs to be inside of the server script

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