I'm currently having a module issue with one of my games

The current issue I am dealing with is trying to get my GUI to change. I currently am making a character changing system, so if the character is pressed, or morphed into, the text and text color will change. The issue with this currently is that I am trying to get the Character off of the server script, which is a touched event, and it goes successful until the game begins to try and see if the PlayerGUI exists.

The issue comes in that the server will be unable to find the PlayerGUI, but the whole thing is that I don’t really know any other methods in which I could be able to change the GUI text for the character within the touched event. Along with that, placing the same serverscript in a local script yields in no actual script working.

-- \\ GetService Variables // --

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Event = RS.CharChosen.CharacterSelected

local CSM = require(RS.Modules.CharacterModule)

local MM = require(RS.Modules.MainModule)

-- \\ Functions // --

thegreatest = script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit)
	if not hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end
	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local Hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

		local d = hit.Parent:GetChildren() 
		for i=1, #d do 
			if (d[i].ClassName == "Decal") then 

		hit.Parent:SetAttribute("CharaChosen", "Fire")

		if hit.Parent:GetAttribute("CharaChosen") == "Fire" then

			CC = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("ChosenCharacter")
			MM:AddValues(CC, "BoolValue", "Fire", math.huge)



		CSM.CharacterSetter(hit.Parent, CC)


SeverScript Above ^

local CharacterModule = {
	Fire = {
		["Fire Punch"] = 1,
		["Spin-Kick"] = 2,
		["Rapid Explosion"] = 3,
		["Flailing Fire Kick"] = 4,
		["Final".. ":" .."Hell has Called."] = 5
	Lightning = {
		["Shocker's Pass"] = 1,
		["Thunder's Anger"] = 2,
		["Zsst!"] = 3,
		["Elbow Beat-Up"] = 4,
		["Final".. ":" .."Discharge, the GigaJoule x 100 "] = 5,

function CharacterModule.CharacterSetter(Character, CharacterPicked)
	local Players = game:GetService("Players")
	local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)	
	local CharaFire = CharacterModule.Fire
	if CharacterPicked:FindFirstChild("Fire") then
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move1.Move1Name.Text = CharaFire[1]
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move2.Move2Name.Text = CharaFire[2]
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move3.Move3Name.Text = CharaFire[3]
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move4.Move4Name.Text = CharaFire[4]
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move1.Move1Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.113725, 0.113725)
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move2.Move2Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.113725, 0.113725)
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move3.Move3Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.113725, 0.113725)
		Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGUI"):FindFirstChild("MoveScreen").Move4.Move4Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.113725, 0.113725)

return CharacterModule

ModuleScript Above ^

The error I continue to get is
And, it continues to loop even though I’m trying to attempt it to stop if it doesn’t find a Hit.Parent with a Humanoid.

And yes, all the prints do work

Also, my apologies if this post feels rushed, that’s because it is. I’m currently getting ready to leave for practice so, yeah.

server cant see playeegui has to be a localscript

Yeah, but posting the same thing in a localscript yields nothing.

Fixed that, but the same issue still persists.

Your capitalizing is incorrect, it’s PlayerGui not PlayerGUI.