I'm floating on an invisible block

So I’m not sure why i always sometimes when I create a game I sometimes find this bug where I’m floating invisible.

Here’s a screenshot. I tried using Erode from the terrain option and other methods to remove but it stays. Are there any solutions to this problem?

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There is no way for us to help with just an image.

  1. Check the collision of the unions and make sure its not set to box

  2. This would be better in #help-and-feedback

What do i provide? for this bug

Is the union in the image supposed to be a floor?

the place im standing is the basement and its a basePart

I see theres also a union called Basement. Try separating that and see if it fixes the problem! If it has, it’s because of it’s collisions.

Unions try to simplify it’s collision data when it can. If the union is big, it could make a big mistake that leaves players colliding with nothing, making them float or get blocked somehow. If you need a union to not be separated, you can set it’s collision fidelity to Precise.

If this worked, mark this post as the solution!


It is because of the CollisionFidelity of the Union. Unless you need the Union you should separate it and make it a Model. If not try setting CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition.

In your case it just looks like a floor and walls so you should separate the union.


The thing is umm im using the union to like the whole inside area of the basement. I made that empty by unioning with negate

I see, so there are no walls. It is just one part with a big hole in it?

If that’s the case you can try setting CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition on the Union. It won’t guarantee perfect collisions but it likely will especially with square parts.

To see the collision hitboxes you can use a plugin called Mesh Optimization Tools and pressing “Show decomposition geometry”.



kk give me a moment and let me try

This is actually weird ngl

The colored area is where there are collisions. You can see there are no collisions in the empty area now.

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Yeah xd but still i get stuck and end up flying

YO NEVERMIND, THANKS A LOT. it is fixed somehow xd tysm!

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Your using unions for the entire building, for some reason, and thats why the collisions are all out of whack. Go to collisionfidelity and try some different settings until you find what works.

Try not to use unions, learn programs like blender!


Heh to reduce the parts in my game. I make them all unions so i dont have to go through everything

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