I'm getting "thread is not yieldable", what's causing it?

I’m getting a very strange error stating that I cannot yield in a thread, but why is that? The error is pointing to task.wait() and I cannot figure out what’s wrong with it.



function Server:Get(name: string): any -- Yields
	local calls = 0
	-- Wait for data to be created
		-- Prevent infinite yield
		calls += 1
		if calls > 100000 then
			error("Tried to retrieve a stream but reached the wait limit, did you forget to create the stream?")
	until Streams[name].DataWithInterface ~= nil
	-- Return the data
	return Streams[name].DataWithInterface

Use task.spawn instead.

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Why would I use task.spawn() though?, it doesn’t wait and thus it doesn’t achieve my goal. My method is suppose to yield until data is available.

All other solutions to your situation use a new thread. Make a function non-yielding? - #4 by VeinTweek

Someone else told me that metatables cannot yield at any point, which is what happened in my case, I just simply had to wrap a call inside a metatable in a task.spawn() like you suggested. Thanks!

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