Im getting weird glitches with the parts in my game [SOLVED]

Hello, I have a game I am working on and I’ve come across and weird issue that I don’t know why its happening.

I was testing my game when all of a sudden I noticed how current blocks were starting to look weird, you can understand better by looking at the circled places on the image below. They had a small blue tint and they looked like they had no texture, My game has different levels so the first level is fine but when you get to the second the blocks texture start to just appear weird as shown in the image.

I have a video to that you can watch.

If anyone can tell me whats going on I will appericate it as I don’t really know what the issue may be.

Maybe it’s just Z-Fighting? Try making the blue parts at the ceiling smaller so they don’t intersect with the other ones

I don’t think it is Z-Fighting since some of the parts that are being affected by this don’t have any parts colliding with it.

Although I did notice that when I played this game through roblox and not from roblox studio, this glitch didn’t appear at all and everything was fine. Perhaps this can be a studio problem?

I’d double check just to be sure, Z-Fighting also depends on your graphics settings so that may be the reason why it didn’t happen in-game.

You are more likely to see Z-Fighting at graphics quality 1, for example

I just tried it out to play my game and set the graphics at 1. The glitch now appeared again even worse this time lol so I guess you were right.

I’ll make some adjustments to the map and fix the Z-Fighting.

Thanks for the help!

Only weird thing though is like I said how not all the parts have other parts colliding with it. When I set the graphics to 1, almost everything in the map was having this issue, can there be anything else that’s also causing this issue?

I don’t remember having any other issues lately besides z-fighting, so if there’s any other problem then I don’t know what it is…

I notice how other materials aren’t affected by this expect for smooth plastic, not exactly sure why it’s only with smooth plastic, maybe its the reaction it has to graphics being lower with appearing more textureless with no shading?, not sure.

I’ll just redo the map with different materials and avoid Z-Fighting.

Thanks for the help though!

What is the reflectance of those Parts?

There is no reflectance of the parts, it’s 0.

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