I'm having issues with scaled down transparent Images In Roblox studio

There’s a issue with transparent images where a weird dark outline would appear, I have read 2 dev forum posts but none seemed to help so I’ve decided to make one myself and see if there are any possible solutions on fixing it.

I have a logo that has a transparent background uploading it in .png or .bmp would not fix the issue.

Scalling up the image would not fix it but it is gonna make it less noticeable, but my goal is to make a main menu.

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

Here’s on a light background scaled down:

Here’s the image scaled up:

It has a resolution of 2000x666 so enough for a decent quality logo.
I found a fix but it is not viable with what I’m trying to do.


Try running your image through Pixelfix.

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