I’m looking for someone to come with me, in a specific place to help me to solve a huge problem wich I have.
I followed the path of AlvinBlox to make a pet system but in his video he made one pet slot.
So I tried by myself to adapt his system to a multiple equipped function.
The problem wich I have is if the plr has two times the same pets, the script will change the pet status (“Equipped or not”) of the first pet it will find, i don’t really know how to explain my problem, it’s why i’m asking for someone to help me.
To sum up, the local script and the server script wich manage the template (“Inventory Slots”) of the inventory do not differenciate the templates and when the plr equip two times the same pet, if i unequip the second one it unequip the wrong one and it creates even more problems.
If you want to help me and if you are intristed by this, add me on discord : Padrox#8546 , or DM me on the dev forum, i’ll show you the problem!
If you have questions, ask them,
hope someone of you will accept to help me.
This is for scripting support, you should ask a scripting question about your own script that you can’t figure out. In this case, ask AlvinBlox, or make your own pet system with the stuff you learned, and this time make it support multiple pets from the start. It is infact very simple, I made something like that years ago, it shouldnt take you too long. Good luck