So, I’ve already made everything in the game work pretty well, but the main thing I am trying to achieve is making the NPC face the player while the NPC is strafing side to side and jumping up and down.
I’ve tried looking through many other posts and all of them told me to change the CFrame of the HumanoidRootPart of my NPC and none of those work either. my NPC jitters around and just jumps up and down and does not move side to side.
This is really all I need to complete the main stage of the game I’m working on.
use Tweenservice and tween the orientation of the HumanoidRootPart Or Lowertorsos (Don’t know which one right now due to me not being at my pc) Orientation to the player. This should give a smooth non jittery look.
Yeah of course I can give you an example, do you mind explaining to me a little more on what you’re trying to achieve however? So I know what to create?
So I spawn In and there’s an NPC moving back and forth from one point to another while jumping up and down. The NPC also holds a gun of some sort that I want the NPC to aim at you while moving around. I don’t just want the NPC to move side to side looking the direction its moving. I want the NPC to have a kind of first person or “shiftlock” look at the player.
Mind giving me the script you’re using so I don’t have to re-create it? And So I can just add onto it.
Funny blooper im working on : robloxapp-20230105-0138539.wmv (591.3 KB)