Im making a point system and its not giving me the points or showing the points on the leaderboard

theres a leaderboard script wich sets it to what the points are gonna be called its in serverscript service
and there another script that gives you the points every 2 seconds but none of those work here are the scripts

Leaderboard script:

local stats =“BoolValue”,plr)
stats.Name = “leaderstats”

local Love ="IntValue",stats)
Love.Name = "Love"
Love.Value = 0


the points script:

amount = 2 – this varibel is the amount of love we get each time
timedelay = 4 – this varibeble is the amount of seconds inbetween each time the cash reward
currencyname = “Love” – this is name of our curaency

while true do
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v:FindFirstChild(“leaderstats”) then
v.leaderstats[currencyname].Value = v.leaderstats[currencyname].Value + Amount

There is no need to place them in ServerScriptService. Have them in the workspace instead.

Anything in output?
Are they scripts or local scripts?

Side note, instead of
v.leaderstats[currencyname].Value = v.leaderstats[currencyname].Value + Amount
you can use
v.leaderstats[currencyname].Value += Amount

The script is completely functional you just have some common grammar errors.
Such as using the wrong quotations ("" are the correct ones) and some capitalization mistakes.

I’ve provided images below to fix your issues.




nope all in normal scripts inside server script servioce

what do i chaange the value + amout in the a and the local amount to