I'm not usually one to jump to conclusions


Will I soon not have to use CmdUtl?

I believe that’s been around for ages.

According to the wiki, it was there ever since August 2010.

However, they’re locked properties, and cannot be set by scripts.

Yes there is a chance of adjustable increments coming because several of us have requested it in a thread and one of the developers responded saying they’re going to try and implement it.

That has nothing to do with this though.

Just give it a few more months and I think Roblox’s default tools will be up-to-speed.

Assuming there’s not a new super-awesome cmdutl coming out by then.

well you can work around nearly everything cframing plugins have to offer by turning collisions off and changing position/size/rotation via properties.

smaller increments would be a really nice implementation.

[quote] well you can work around nearly everything cframing plugins have to offer by turning collisions off and changing position/size/rotation via properties.

smaller increments would be a really nice implementation. [/quote]
Yeah, I tend to use properties a lot, I’ve got to get those parts in the right position perfectly!
But yeah, smaller increments would definitely help.

Not notice that it changes based on FormFactor property? And yes, it has been there for quite some time