I'm painting the terrain with water, but the water is underground?

What I see:

I was confused why it’s not painting, until I look under the grass…

Why is the water under the grass?

I tried switching all of the buttons, but nothing changes.
What am I doing wrong? I just want a lake

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Could you carve out the terrain first then use the sea level tool?

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No it won’t work, the water just doesn’t generate

Maybe try turning its pivot position to ‘Top’, and check the sea level as you may have set it already.
If that does not work I am happy to look at some alternatives.

No it doesn’t work, I just ended up painting the ground as ice and until it is no longer winter IRL it will stay that way.

Maybe re-install Roblox Studio or reset your studio settings. Sometimes that works.

I figured out why. You need to turn off “ignore parts” and water, and also turn off plane lock.

If you look at the picture, both of those things are off lol

maybe try putting plane lock onto auto then, that might work.