Im somehow not a verified creator despite being ID verified

Reproduction Steps

Both the Creator Marketplace and Toolbox show me as unverified, while the Talent hub shows me as verified, even though I’m ID verified.

Expected Behavior

All pages should have the verification check enforced equally

EDIT: It looks like this only affects the Plugin part of the marketplace, regardless, its still not consistent across all pages

Actual Behavior

The Talent Hub correctly shows me as verified, while the marketplace and toolbox show me as not

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: N/A
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


Every source I know of that shows a verification badge:

Talent Hub - correctly shows as verified


Creator Marketplace - correctly shows as verified EXCEPT Plugins



Toolbox - Plugins and not for sale assets are shown as unverified


I believe this can be from the new verified badge Roblox rolled out a few days ago, where you have a blue verified badge instead of the ID verified one across the website.

The Talent Hub and Roblox are completely different things. Verified on the Talent Hub does not necessarily mean Verified on Roblox.

Isn’t there already a badge like this on Talent Hub?

The Verified Badge is different from the ID verification badges on Talent Hub– those badges are only for ID verification, but the Verified Badge (aka Roblox’s blue checkmark) is to distinguish notable and authentic creators on the platform.

Source here


In the short term: please try republishing the plugins to update verification status. Our team is actively working on a long term solution for this issue.

Thanks for the feedback!


(cc @HqnxstlySarah) Roblox’s own help page says all creators with an ID or Phone Number attached to the account is a verified creator.

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My plugin has over 350 installs so I dont really want to republish the plugin

If you re-publish the same plugin, it will simply update the asset. Installs should not be affected. Hope this helps!

This didn’t clear the unverified tag.

Fixed since new Plugin Marketplace update. (Plugins anyway, private assets still come up as unverified in toolbox?)

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