I have a rotation camera script and I’m sooooo lost with how to set it to the default angle around the players character. . I have a script that rotates the camera (using the cframe of a part in the players character). So what do I use to set the camera angle back to the default. By this I mean where the camera is in the rotation, back to the players back (the default when the player loads in). Brookehaven also does this for the camera.
I have no idea how to set it back to the default
local fireUpdateCam = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
if tweenComplete == false then
local UI = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
-- This is what runs when the button is clicked, so this is where the camera will change
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
I should also note I don’t need help setting the camera back to costum, I just need help changing the angle of the camera.
As you can see it is rotating, and when you click to button I don’t know how to set it back to the default which is behind the character.