I am beyond frustrated.
I’ve been working on a game for a couple of days and I am running into completely random, totally inconsistent bugs that seem to by unfixable regardless of what I do.
Here’s a list, and the place file. If anyone can figure anything out, I would greatly appreciate it. I might even give you robux, to be honest. I’m mainly just leaving this here out of frustration.
List of issues:
The “Undead” character only occasionally turns players into zombies. I think this is due to the player.Character.Died() event only firing sometimes. It seems to be completely random when this happens.
The DataStores work for everything except for equipped items. Monsters are fine, the inventory is fine. It is specifically item slots that don’t work. I have no clue why.
The shop system randomly decides whether or not a Slot exists in the player’s data. Sometimes it just can’t find it. I’ve used the developer console to check and, yes, it exists, yes, I’m looking in the right place, and yes, I didn’t misspell anything.
The shop system Gui seems to have an unfixable bug where the function doesn’t disconnect so if you try to equip an item, it equips every item you have purchased up to that point. It also doesn’t save.
The shop system doesn’t update when you join the game, regardless of how much wait time I put in before refreshing the names.
Generally speaking, most of these issues are caused by player.Character-related functions just arbitrarily not working. I wonder if anyone else has been experiencing this. Also, Roblox’s servers have not been kind to this game, so I’m wondering if the DataStore-related stuff is because of this.
I’ve been and am In the same boat as you repeatedly. It’s extremely infuriating with completely unexplainable issues that no one else seems to have, or care about, or have a solution for.
I’ve had the undead character issue before, I’ve had to manually put a variable or attribute in the Humanoid for the character to be considered fully dead because of it. I have done a few other crappy solutions for it as well that don’t even really work efficiently.
One problem, and I don’t know if you’ve had it before, is something completely not working in a script… so you print/warn out potentially helpful information to solve the bug and then magically and inevitably the problem is solved by itself.
Not meaning to turn this into a rant/discussion but it’s hard not to, finally finding someone to relate to.
ive been running into SO MANY dumb issues lately, like for one my local scripts in startercharacterscripts run incorrectly, and if i use script.Parent to reference the character, it references all the characters in the game. also, i just ran into a strange error, where an entire script just doesnt run in the actual game (it works fine in studio), and just gives me a blank error just stating the name in output. screenshot:
Oh my goodness, I had the exact same thing happen with another system. So frustrating and random.
There’s three datastores, one for equips, one for inventory, and one for traits (which I have not implemented yet). The equips works fine except for the five item slots. Whenever I try to save, the game thinks their value is set to nil, regardless of what I set it to.