I'm trying to make a bodycam type game but I'm having issues with the camera movements not going up

Local script for the camera movements:

local function updateCameraPosition()
	if equipped then
		local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta()
		local mX = mouse.X  
		local mY = mouse.Y 
		local screenWidth = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X  
		local screenHeight = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y  
		local relativeMouseX = (mX - (screenWidth / 2)) / (screenWidth / 2) 
		local relativeMouseY = (mY - (screenHeight / 2)) / (screenHeight / 2)
		local yawSpeedFactor = math.abs(relativeMouseX) * maxRotationSpeed + rotationSpeed
		local pitchSpeedFactor = math.abs(relativeMouseY) * maxRotationSpeed + rotationSpeed

		yaw = yaw - (relativeMouseX * yawSpeedFactor)  
		pitch = math.clamp(pitch + (-delta.Y) * pitchSpeedFactor, pitchMin, pitchMax)
		local rotation = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(pitch), math.rad(yaw), 0)
		local targetPosition = head.Position + offset
		camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(targetPosition) * rotation