local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
script.Parent.Torso.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
script.Parent.LeftArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
script.Parent.RightArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
it just keeps the arms and torso the same
Can you make sure that your character is R6? R15 characters won’t have leftarm and rightarm, instead, they’ll have right and left upper, lower arms
(You cam change character’s starter rig type in game setting)
i know but my character kinda is like r6 and r15 in the same ways
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Um… I’m not sure what you’re talking about
R6 and R15 is different
You can change it in the avatars menu in roblox

R15 is much better for animation, as R8 is simple to script
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not to be mean but its a Custom character, not like an actual player that you can use
nvm i just did it im stupid oh wow
You don’t need to make a players variable:
can be done as well.
i know but like i did something VERY VERY DUMB it turns out i had to make it simpler and not advanced like this
script.Parent.Torso.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
script.Parent.RightArm.BrickColor = script.Parent.Torso.BrickColor
script.Parent.LeftArm.BrickColor = script.Parent.Torso.BrickColor
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