I tried using a video (shown below) but it didnt work when I tried it in both play and test mode. Pls help.
heres my code
local humanoid = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local HealthNum = script.Parent.Parent.healthNUM
script.Parent.Size = UDim2.new(Damage / humanoid.MaxHealth, 0,1,0)
local function Number()
HealthNum.Text = humanoid.Health.."/"..humanoid.MaxHealth
Is this a server script or localscript? If it’s a server script and you are changing health on the client it wont work, since server can’t see client changes.
Do you mean that when you launch the game alone, the health bar works, but when you launch it with more players, it doesn’t? I don’t know if I understand what your error is.
no i mean that the health bar doesnt do anything when I damage the NPC. All i was saying before was that I tried to use test mode with 1 player on studio and also tried using the play button in studio, I said this bc play button is a bit unreliable but idk if its important to state or not.