I'm trying to make my tool's handle stay on the left hand

  1. What do you want to achieve? Make the tool stay on the left hand instead of being always on the right hand when equipped

  2. What is the issue? Welding the tool’s handle to the left arm with a weld constraint

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Not much

Something like this

motor6d the tool so it moves with the left arm

That worked, but i’m trying to make the tool stay on the left hand while equipping it in the game instead of the right hand

if that’s the case then the idle animation and equip (if any) need to motor6d to the left arm

Would I be able to do that through this script?

local motor6d = Instance.new("Motor6d")
motor6d.Parent = Character["Left Arm"]
motor6d.Part0 = Character["Left Arm"]
motor6d.Part1 = tool.Handle

no idea, experiment with different methods to see if you can find a solution

Okay i’ll try, thanks for the help though