Im tryna make a textlabel update with whatever the player puts in a textbox

im tryna make a textlabel update with whatever the player puts in a textbox in a localscript

local textLabel = script.Parent.Note.Frame.TextLabel

local textBox = script.Parent.OperateGUI.Frame.Number9.Note.TextBox

local function TextChange()
textLabel.Text = textBox.Text


problem is the TEXT PROPERTY doesnt change when the player types in it

for example i typed “water” into the text box (ingame) and the text doesnt change

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Try to change this into textBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal(“Text”):Connect(TextChange) because FocusLost only fires when the player finishes writing


Ive tried both ways but the problem is it isnt the text of the textbox that changes

The property doesn’t change on the server for user inputs, have you accounted for that?

I suppose I could use a RemoteEvent but im not sure how i would do it