I'm working on a portfolio, how much should I sell my art for?

You could always try using blender, that could help, and its free. Just so you know, I dont mean an actual blender, people have thought that before, so I am putting this so you know. It is a computer application.

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Yeah, I do know what blender is. I may or may not be able to get it, but I have to see how much space is on my computer. But thanks for the tip!

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Looks nice, and I really like the concept, but they look a bit basic. You should practice a little more before selling so you get more sales. Agree with what @Game_Impossible said.

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Thanks for your help everyone! It is really helping!

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Sure thing, I hope that it will help.

Dont use blender for logo designing, its not prioritzed for that, There is an alternative so you dont need to keep paying a subscription for adobe, Its called affinity designer, one time payment, and its 50% off right now, You should try it out


I’m not really trying to spend money, but I’ll look at it.

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Did you mean to say, illustrator?

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Its a GFX, so I said GFX. I think illustrator is someone who draws a picture, not digital creates one. I am not to sure though.

I personally would spend less than 100 robux, it’s just very basic. The outlines of many parts looks obviously hand drawn, which can work, but just really doesn’t with this artstyle.

Illustrator can be both, GFX means graphic effects, as in modeling, not drawing/digital drawing.

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To be honest I would buy for like 50-70 robux since they are not really detailed, they just contain a text and a backround.
So, you should make them more detailed.

As per the DevForum rules, you are not allowed to ask others to choose how to price your artwork.

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You should take this post down. Not only does it suck but it’s cut and dry outright against the rules. Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum - #15 by Roblox

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